To begin posting a job, visit our “post a job”button. Then follow the instructions given where you can input the job listing details and submit payment
Premium Listing: It cost 99$ to post a Premium Listing (listed up to 30 days). Our Premium Listings recieve more views by jobseekers. Basic Listing: We also offer a free Basic Listing (listed up to 15 days). We allow one free listing and if you need to repost you can renew it at the Premium Listing.
We work directly with universities career centers across the country that have criminal justice programs. We provide an updated list of jobs every 2 weeks to these contacts who share them among their criminal justice programs. We also highlight the job on our social media pages. The Premium Listings also are listed on the home page of the website.
Our Premium Listings reach a much larger audience of jobseekers than our free Basic Listings-on average almost 3x the number of people. How we boost Premium Listings: -Featured jobs- Premium Listings rotate through Featured Jobs on the home page of the job board. Social Media- Premium Listings are listed on the Criminal Justice Job Board Linkdin account as well as the criminal justice job board facebook page. Shared with Universities and State Job Hiring Organizations- Every 2 weeks emails go to universities that have criminal justice programs to the career counselors and professors in the program.
We’ve built the worlds largest central network of criminal justice jobseekers and professionals. Our network includes our website, email alerts, social media channels and direct connections with universities.