Duties: N/A. Benefits: Vacation: 80.08 vacation hours per year, with the opportunity to earn additional vacation after 5, 10, and 15 years of serviceSick Leave: Cumulative to 960 hours. Payout of 50% over 960 hours at the end of the year.Paid Holidays: 9 daysPersonal Leave: 2 days per fiscal ye...
Salary: $56,825.60 to $76,148.80. Pay is decided based on how much experience a Certified Police Officer has. Should live up to 30 miles away or up to 45 min. drive away from the Department12-hour shifts, 80 hours every 2 weeks, Work to be completed during that shift is given at the start of every ...
Pay: $30.30 to $42.29 an hourHealth and Dental Insurance: The City of Kearney Health Insurance Plan includes health, prescription, and dental coverage. Employee spouses’ who have health/dental coverage available through their own employer are not eligible to participate in the City’s health/...